Student Body
Pastoral Care
Our pupils are at the center of all we do. We recognise and celebrate the value of childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. Pupils thrive with clear boundaries, firm direction, adults and peers who share in the joy of discovery and value the part that all individuals have to play in our community. Although every pupil has a class teacher who is responsible for their well-being, all staff contribute to the pastoral care of each pupil. Pastoral care does not exist in a vacuum. It is not simply an "additional extra." it is interwoven with academic success and each child's sense of self-worth. Relationships between our pupils and staff are warm and open; our staff believe in every young person and encourage a growth mind-set – believing that everything is possible if you give it a go and work hard enough! We offer care with a light touch, so that pupils have a sense of independence and freedom to take responsibility for themselves, but at the same time know that they are guided and looked after. Our aim is to foster a network of good relationships; staff who observe changes in mood, behavior, pattern of work; pupils who look after each other.
Our school community is inclusive and celebrates diversity at every opportunity. Numerous faiths, races and backgrounds are represented here and self-expression is also encouraged.
Through our PSHE programme we aim to help our pupils prepare for life beyond the classroom and the complex and sometimes difficult choices they will face. With this in mind, we hope to give them opportunities to take responsibility, to feel positive about themselves, to participate, to make real choices and decisions, to meet and work with people, to develop relationships, to consider social and moral dilemmas, to find information and to prepare for change.